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My zines

when exploring storytelling in my work i have used the process of creating zines to act as a sort of  "art therapy" to express 


y. as an illustrator I love to create a  mixture of reflective poetical zines that are made up of random thoughts, experiences and emotions of life, by portraying both depth and simplicity these short stories aim to connect with every individual in a slightly different way. Therefore this is something I have aimed to portray throughout every story.

I have no idea what I'm doing 

A reflective zine based on feeling lost in life and feeling as though you're not doing enough. It hopes to shine a light on the “normalities” of life and prove that sometimes it’s fine to live in the simple moments and enjoy the little things. Created using a series of sequential images and simple line drawings. 

All the lives we will never know

A reportage zine portraying the story of people's lives. All the strangers we pass, all the conversations we overhear, all the unique but similar experiences we face throughout life, are all captured simplistically throughout this zine. All of the illustrations were formed from random trips out to the city, which makes them all the more personal. 

inside every coffee shop

A reportage zine journaling  random moments within coffee shops that I’ve documented . Though it’s so simple it’s one of my favourite things to do and find it really offers me a sense of peace and I think this is the same for many others, therefore I wanted to use something so simple and turn it into a small story people can relate too, to shine a light on the simple moments and romanticize the little things. 

I wish you were here to prove it didn't happen

A zine based on all the many ink sketches I’ve produced which make up a journey. , the zine tells the story of boy who is coming to terms with his past and the loss he has faced, though the zine is minimalistic it hopes to be thought provoking in telling the story of grief and remembering. 

don't know where you are?

A poetry zine with limited words and ambigious illustration. Telling the story of feeling lost and alienated from the rest of the world, through sequential images it aims to encourage those who are lost to keep going and act as a reminder that no dark day will last forever.

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